For Cash paying clients, treat yourself to a vacation or spend it on your loved ones. For CPF investors, it is still a great plan to maximize your retirement nest egg through this option! You also have the option of re-investing the cash benefits with Tokio Marine at an attractive interest rate. Whichever option you choose, you reap all the benefits!
Flexibility to Choose
TM wealth enhancement (Cash) allows you to purchase using cash or funds from your CPF-OA or SRS accounts. The plan offers policy terms from 13 to 21 years and it's a great program for meeting different milestones in your life.
As you can see from the illustration below, the total maturity proceeds from the cash benefits and maturity payouts are easily at least 75% guaranteed!
For some of you who feel that to wait a minimum of 13-14 years is pretty long for the policy, be comforted to know that the policy pays out GUARANTEED cash benefits to you every 2 years, thus in actual fact you are already having your money returned progressively to you from the second year onwards! You can even use the cash benefits payout to fund another smaller premium policy on an annual mode!
However, if you still feel more secured with having a policy with a shorter period, then you can also consider Tokio Marine Life Insurance Singapore's 5 year plan, TM Enrich. (However, this policy has to be financed by cash only)
Guaranteed Protection
With TM Wealth Enhancement (cash), should any unforeseen events happen to you (Death or TPD), it will pay the full sum assured plus any attaching bonuses over and above the cash benefits you may have already received. (TPD coverage is until the policy anniversary preceding age 65).
If you want to know more about this plan, feel free to contact us.
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