Showing posts with label CapitaVouchers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CapitaVouchers. Show all posts

NTUC Enhanced Incomeshield Is Celebrating The Present By Protecting Your Future With CapitaVouchers !

Yes, you read it right! NTUC Income is giving CapitaVouchers when you sign up for an Enhanced Incomeshield policy with them from now till 31 December 2015.

Terms & Conditions

1.  Qualifying policies for this Promotion are for the new Enhanced IncomeShield policies (the “Qualifying Policies”). For avoidance of doubt, qualifying policies refer only to Enhanced  IncomeShield main plans, and not riders.

2.  Applications for the  Qualifying Policies  must be submitted  and received  by  NTUC  Income from 10  May  2015   to  31  December 2015  (inclusive of both dates)  (the “Promotion Period”) and, if the applications are approved, the policies must be issued not later than 29 February 2016  for the customer to be eligible fo the Promotion.

3.  A customer who successfully signs up for a Qualifying Policy will be entitled to CapitaVoucher. The voucher amount depends  on the age of the insured and the type of Qualifying Policy, as  well as, the net annual premium amount of the main plan in the first year. The net annual premium refers to the premium (including GST) payable after any  premium  discount  and  MediShield Life premium  subsidies/ rebates. The CapitaVoucher amount will depend  on the amount of the net annual premium, rounded up to $5.

4.  Customers are entitled to receive the vouchers only once upon the issuance of the “Qualifying Policies”. Subsequent upgrade in plan, even if made during the Promotion Period, for such policies will not entitle the customers to any additional vouchers. For avoidance of doubt, customers with any IncomeShield  plan  issued  before  the Promotion Period  whom subsequently   upgrade  their  plan  during the Promotion Period will not be entitled to any vouchers under this Promotion.

5.  The first  year  premium  for the  Qualifying Policies  must  be  paid and  received  by  NTUC Income during the  Promotion Period for a customer to be eligible for this Promotion.

6.  NTUC Income reserves  the right to demand from the customer  the full value of the  vouchers for Qualifying Policies which are  issued but  terminated  or lapsed  within 6  months from the  policy issue date  or cancelled  during the free-look period by the customer  and the customer  shall  immediately  pay NTUC  Income  such  amount demanded.

7.  The vouchers must be collected within 1 month from the date of the redemption letter. The redemption letter will be mailed to customers at their registered address with NTUC Income. The vouchers are not exchangeable  for cash or any benefits-in-kind.

8.  NTUC Income  reserves the right to replace the vouchers with items of similar value or change the terms and conditions for this Promotion at any time without prior notice to the customer.

9.  This Promotion does not affect  or change  any term  of the policy contract for the Qualifying Policies and is not valid in conjunction with other  incentives  and  promotions offered  by NTUC  Income. NTUC Incomes decision  on all matters relating to this Promotion (including the  issuance of the  vouchers) shall be final, conclusive and binding. No appeal will be entertained.

10.Under no circumstance shall NTUC Income be liable to any customer or  party,  whether  in contract   or  tort  (including negligence) or otherwise, for any liabilities, losses and damages,   claims, costs  and expenses (including any special or consequential damages or losses) in connection  with, related  to or resulting from this Promotion, the vouchers and/or use of the vouchers.

11.Usage of the vouchers is subject to terms and conditions imposed by CapitaLand Mall Asia  Limited.

12.No joint venture, sponsorship, tie up, agency or any other relationship is  intended or created   between  NTUC  Income,  CapitaLand  Mall Asia Limited, hamper supplier, or manufacturer/merchant of any replacement  item(s). Neither is this Promotion intended or deemed to be a connection with or use of the brand name of CapitaLand Mall Asia Limited, hamper supplier or replacement  item(s).