The differences between the 2 plans are not really significant, but let us share with you what are some of TM Early Cover's features:
- 3 Coverage terms to age 70, to age 75 & to age 85
- Customer can buy from as young as age 1 till age 65 (Age Next Birthday).
- Maximum Claim Limit per stage is $350,000 , compared to the old TM Early Care, which was $75,000 only.
- However for TM Early Cover, each payout reduces the claim compared to the earlier plan, which does not.
- Covers 36 Critical Illnesses (Terminal Illness has been added as a CI, whilst Angioplasty is now 1 of the special benefits)
- Another Extra 20%, subject to a maximum limit of $25,000 can be paid out for the following 10 Special Benefits: